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Monday, November 1, 2010

November Already?

Yesterday, Daniel and Lauren turned 2 months old! I can't believe how fast the time is going by and that we are already to November! Even more so, I can't believe that when Sarah was a baby, by this time I was preparing to go back to work in 2 weeks! I am SO glad that I am fortunate enough at this point to stay out a little while, because I can't even imagine packing up this crew at 6:30 each morning and going to work all day (although it would be nice to have an "8 hour break" every day--I guess if I didn't have to actually "work" at work, I could handle it.....). We had a little scheduling mix up with the pediatrician, so Daniel and Lauren are not actually going for their 2 month check up until they are almost 3 months, but as far as we know, all is well with them. They are eating like champs and growing like weeds.

At 2 months, Daniel....

- is almost 2 pounds bigger than his "baby sister" Lauren, and is probably around 11 1/2 pounds
- puts himself to sleep in his crib with almost no assistance from mommy or daddy--hallelujah!
- cries when he is hungry, poopy, or tired
- is almost always hungry when he wakes up from a nap, no matter how long or short the nap was
- can roll over from his stomach to his back, although we have only seen him do it twice
-smiles, but only when he wants to, like when he hears Lauren cry
-is going to bed around 6:30 p.m. and doing his longest sleep stretch of the day until about midnight
-doesn't particularly care for his pacifier, but sometimes he won't let it go
-wears a size 0-3 month clothes, but will probably move up to 3-6 months before long!

At 2 months, Lauren...

- is almost 2 pounds smaller than her "big brother" Daniel, and is probably around 9 1/2 pounds
-is starting to put herself to sleep IN HER BOUNCY SEAT in her crib with only some assistance from mommy or daddy, sometimes. Other times, she needs LOTS of soothing to fall asleep.
-cries when she is hungry, poopy, tired, bored, lonely, gassy, cold, hot, you name it :-)
-loves to be on her side and does not like being flat on her back to sleep
-smiles often, with a beautiful toothless grin that melts my heart everytime I see it
-looks and behaves very much like Sarah did at her age
-is going to bed around 6:30 p.m. and doing her longest sleep stretch of the day until about 10:30 p.m.---on a good night.
-likes to cuddle her new lamb lovey and watching her hold it is just about the cutest thing you've ever seen
-is addicted to her pacifier and never leaves home without it :-)
-wears a size 0-3 month clothes

At 3 years, 4 months, Sarah...

- is the best big sister ever and is SO sweet to the babies
- loves to play with the baby toys and claims them all as "hers." I guess she's technically right- they were all hers at one point.
- is going to preschool 3 days a week and is learning a lot about letters and reading
- tries to sound out almost all words
- is very preoccupied with whether something is "breakable" or not
- is not sure what the word "chapel" means. Today, I asked her if she had chapel at school today, and her response was, "No, I didn't have apples...." Hmmm....
- is very clumsy and gets boo-boos multiple times daily, especially if she goes outside to play
- has a new "best friend" named Jonathan who lives across the street
- has made tons of new friends in our could-de-sac and is always watching to see when someone goes outside to play
- wears a size 3T clothes

We had a fun Halloween here- we decided to do a costume theme this year. Lauren was a mermaid (Sarah's old costume), Daniel was a fish, and Sarah was a "homemade" snorkeler put together at the last minute, whose costume looked fabulous if I do say so myself. Sarah even won second place in the costume contest at the carnival we attended! She got a $10 gift card which went toward the purchase of a Big Wheel so she can speed around the could-de-sac with her new friends.