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Saturday, June 23, 2007

Our Little Angel

She's here! Sarah Rebecca Gulley was born at 12:38 a.m. on Wednesday, June 20th. She weighed 7 lb. 7 oz. and was 19 1/2 inches long. We are so in love with our beautiful little angel! We have taken so many pictures of her already, so it was hard to decide which ones to post. I'm sure I will be posting more very soon.


Anonymous said...

I've been checking this thing 5 times a day since you came home, waiting for updates!! I'm excited to see one. And I must say, I am the proudest cousin of baby Sarah that exists in the world! She is an extremely LOVED baby, and don't look at me (and my mom, your mom, and your sister) if Sarah is spoiled!! Can't wait to see her again!

Anne Holloway said...

...and don't look at me, either, if she is spoiled. That's a grandmother's privilege. She looks just like my darling Elizabeth when she was born. God has blessed you with a wonderful gift!

mary anderson said...

I have loved Sarah since long before she was born. The Gulley family is truly blessed with a wonderful baby girl. God is so good. He knew Sarah before she was formed in her mother's womb and it is hard to imagine how HE could love her more than we do. What a truly Loved baby she is. Her great-grandparents on the Grant side of the family would be so proud of her and thrilled with her arrival. Tell her often that Aunt Mary loves her very much.

Leslie Gilbreath said...

I'm so excited you put pictures up! She is super cute. I especially love the last picture with her on the Boppy. I can't wait to come see her again. I know you and Jeremy are loving every minute of your new life. CONGRATS

Janice A. said...

Congratulations, Elizabeth and Jeremy on your ADORABLE baby girl. I can't wait until she makes her obligatory visit to Partee. Take care and enjoy your blessing.

Auntie M said...

Hi Elizabeth, Jeremy, & Sarah,

Welcome Sarah!!!!!SOOOOO.... CUTE and Precious. You are the Star and you will love your parents and the rest of your family...most anyway. We can't wait to see you. Family gathering SOOON MiMaw. Even though we just visited in Myrtle Beach. You arrived and off Mimaw & PawPaw go. They are so happy to finally have a grandchild and a girl in the family. Others will follow I am sure sisters, brothers, cousins and such .... so enjoy the spotlight. You are a celebrity to us.

We will Love and enjoy watching you become a wonderful baby,toddler, young lady to adulthood. Always know you have a Good mind, a Good heart, and you are a Good person. God is watching over you.
Psalm 111:2 " Great are the works of the Lord; they are pondered by all who delight in them."

Love You all,

Aunt Marguerite
( Auntie M )my blog
Uncle Steve