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Sunday, February 24, 2008

Sarah's Latest Mischief

Sarah loves crawling over the bar of her high chair to sit underneath. She also knocked over the trash can one day and started eating some paper--yuck!

Fun Weekend

Sarah had a fun weekend while Mimi and Pawpaw came to visit. She got to stay with them all by herself Saturday afternoon, and I'm sure she got totally spoiled! :-) As you can see in the pictures, Sarah is enjoying pulling to stand on several pieces of furniture--watch out!

Sunday, February 17, 2008

More pictures and Sick Again!

We really can't stay well at our house this year :-( Ms. Heather (Sarah's babysitter) took Sarah to the doctor Friday morning about her bad diaper rash--they gave her some cream, said everything else about her looked fine, and sent her home. Then Friday evening she woke up from her nap with 103 degree temperature! Eeck! We called the doctor and they said to bring her in in the morning. So Saturday morning, back to the doctor we went. As it turns out, Sarah had strep throat! The doctor said babies her age don't usually get strep throat, but Sarah is a lucky one I guess (with my record, she will get lots of strep throat). She had a pitiful day on Saturday and just wanted to snuggle, cry, and drink her bottle all day. She did much better today and I think her throat is feeling better because she gobbled down lots of food for dinner :-) Sarah got to see her Uncle Bill, Aunt Ellen, and cousin Rees this weekend because they were in town visiting colleges. Too bad Sarah did not show her best side---she was overall quite cranky due to being sick.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Gulley Look-alike Meter

MyHeritage: Family tree - Genealogy - Celeb - Collage - Morph

Friday, February 8, 2008

Curious George Meet Curious Sarah

and some more pictures...

The Many Faces of Sarah

Some more cute pictures...

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Tag I'm It!

I have been tagged by Leslie to tell you 7 interesting things about myself (not sure if mommy/Elizabeth got tagged or Sarah, so we will do a mix), so here goes (sorry if not all things are interesting--I can be a boring person sometimes):

1) I have walked on hot coals. Yes, Jeremy thinks I am insane, and no, I am not actually insane. There was a "talk/lecture" at UGA that Jeremy was required to go to about the physics of walking on coals, and they were doing a "fire walking" afterwards for anyone interested, so I decided that if the school was sponsoring it, it couldn't be too deadly :-) You can really walk across hot coals without getting burnt---you just have to walk fast enough not to touch your feet to the coals for too long. I did it, and my feet were only slightly tingly afterwards for a couple of hours. Jeremy REFUSED to be involved in any such activity :-)

2) I helped crew a 65 foot sailboat to Andros Island of the Bahamas and back with a group of 14 people (most of them virtually strangers to me because it was with Jeremy's church) on a church mission trip during spring break my freshman year of college, and I didn't even know how to sail (neither did 11 of the other 14...) I guess we learned enough to get there and back without sinking the boat. The trip was the adventure of a lifetime, and even if I went again I don't think I could re-create such an amazing experience. Unfortunately Jeremy didn't go on the trip because he had another trip he was required to go on with the Furman Singers. I was one of about 3 people who did not get seasick.

3) I met Jeremy during my freshmen orientation at Furman. At one point before leaving for college, someone told me that "Mr. Right" was waiting for me at Furman, and I wasted no time finding him. We met at the cheesy orientation "dance" on the basketball court and have been together ever since. In addition to my Bachelor's degree, I was definitely in school for the MRS degree as well :-) (by the way, Jeremy's dad and my mom both went to Furman and were only 1 year apart)

4) If you are in my family, you are probably a teacher or a lawyer. My mom and her twin sister have careers as special ed. teachers (although Aunt Mary has moved on to the life of an AP), I am a special ed teacher, my cousin Mary Evelyn is going to be a special ed teacher, my cousin-in-laws Jennifer and Morgann teach 1st grade, my cousin Katie is a high school drama teacher, my cousin Matthews is a college professor, and my cousin Jean Ann was a kindergarten teacher before Tucker was born. My mom's dad was a lawyer, two of her brothers are/were lawyers, and my cousins Tessa and Rusty are lawyers. The poor life meet the rich life (haha--just kidding). By the way, my cousin-in-law Jennifer's dad is also a lawyer...if I have missed anyone I am really sorry...

5)For being as "advanced" as she is in many areas/skills, Sarah still has no teeth :-)

6)Sarah can swim (being able to swim does not include being able to float)---she LOVES going on her tummy in the big bathtub and splashing, crawling, and occasionally putting her face in the water and possibly even blowing bubbles. She does not mind having water poured in her face--yay!

7) Apparently my dad thinks I only broke one rule as a teenager (driving a boyfriend to school when my parents told me I could not drive anyone anywhere in my car) Sarah will not have the opportunity to break that rule because as of now I am never letting her behind the wheel of a car :-)

OK--I will have to tag "Michael and Jennifer" and "The Shalins"---I don't know any more non-tagged bloggers :-)