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Sunday, February 17, 2008

More pictures and Sick Again!

We really can't stay well at our house this year :-( Ms. Heather (Sarah's babysitter) took Sarah to the doctor Friday morning about her bad diaper rash--they gave her some cream, said everything else about her looked fine, and sent her home. Then Friday evening she woke up from her nap with 103 degree temperature! Eeck! We called the doctor and they said to bring her in in the morning. So Saturday morning, back to the doctor we went. As it turns out, Sarah had strep throat! The doctor said babies her age don't usually get strep throat, but Sarah is a lucky one I guess (with my record, she will get lots of strep throat). She had a pitiful day on Saturday and just wanted to snuggle, cry, and drink her bottle all day. She did much better today and I think her throat is feeling better because she gobbled down lots of food for dinner :-) Sarah got to see her Uncle Bill, Aunt Ellen, and cousin Rees this weekend because they were in town visiting colleges. Too bad Sarah did not show her best side---she was overall quite cranky due to being sick.


Unknown said...

Poor baby looked pitiful last night, but I'm glad she's on her way to acting like her usual happy self. I love that green smocked dress, by the way. =)

Leslie Gilbreath said...

Good grief. So much for picking an insurance plan based on being healthy- who would have thought you all would contract so many illnesses. But I do have to say Sarah has more dress up clothes than any 7 month old I know! I wish Sarah was older than Melanie so we could get her hand me downs :)

Elizabeth said...

Maybe you will have another girl! I will have to go back sometime and figure up if I should have kept the old insurance plan....oh, well-what can you do?