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Sunday, February 14, 2010

At last!

Happy Valentine's Day from Sarah! Thanks, Nana, for the adorable outfit!

Jeremy and me with our slouching snowman

Rebecca driving the sled

Jeremy driving the sled

The girls enjoying the snow

Sarah going for a ride with Papa

Sarah with the snowman

Learning how to ride a sled

So much snow!

Baby A (top) and Baby B (bottom). They don't look the same size but they really are.

I know you've been checking my blog daily for updates (well, maybe not quite that often), and you're finally in luck! My sanity has briefly returned for the day, and I'm playing catch up with all aspects of life :-) It's been so long since I updated, I don't even know where to start, so I guess I'll start with the most exciting news first. Drumroll, please..........Jeremy and I are expecting TWINS in September! Yes, that's right--Sarah is going to have TWO baby brothers or sisters in 7 months or less! I am SO excited, although my hormones have been wreaking havoc on my emotions lately, Jeremy is excited, and Sarah is excited, so we are a house full of excitement these days! Our family of three is becoming a family of five, and our house is going to bust at the seams, both literally and with love :-) I am ten weeks pregnant today--it's hard to believe it, but that means I'm a quarter of the way there! We found out I was pregnant early in January but just found out there are two babies about 2 weeks ago. I think the doctor was just as shocked as I was when she saw two babies! Since I'm having twins, I am officially considered a "high risk pregnancy." Hopefully that just means that I'll get extra ultrasounds down the road :-) So far I have been feeling a bit worse than I felt with Sarah, and I could be wrong, but I think I am very much more exhausted than with Sarah. Hopefully the "blah, sicky" feelings will go away soon, and maybe I'll even find the energy this week or next to head back to the gym for a leisurely stroll on the treadmill (I tried running for 2 minutes a couple of weeks ago and it was SO hard!). Last weekend, I got strep throat, and I'm almost done taking medicine for that. Hopefully, I can stay healthy, rested, and sane for the rest of this pregnancy and enjoy every minute of preparing for these precious new additions to our family!

As far as the rest of life, there's not too much new to tell. We got ourselves snowed in at my parents on Friday so that we would hopefully be able to make it to the Ringling Brothers circus in Atlanta at 11:00 on Saturday. Since the roads were pretty much covered in ice Saturday morning, we had to skip the show, but luckily we were able to exchange our tickets for the afternoon show, and we had great seats and had a great time! Sarah said her favorite part was the elephants and the zebras. I will add that the popcorn was another one of her favorite parts (and mine, too!).

We all had fun playing outside in the snow on Friday and Saturday. A bunch of adults outside acting like little kids was probably a humorous site. I put together a little video so you can see all of us taking turns sledding down the driveway on the sled that was my brother Russell's when he was little. I think everyone took a turn except for Nana. We built a really nice snowman on Friday, but since Russell built the bottom part on a hill, you will see what he looked like when we woke up on Saturday to take pictures :-)


Leslie Gilbreath said...

I think the second pregnancy will always make you more tired because you have less time to rest. CONGRATS!