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Monday, September 17, 2007

Sarah's First 5K

Sarah finished her first 5K road race with me on Saturday--she was having so much fun on the course that she fell asleep! I was glad she slept, though, because that meant I didn't have to keep stopping to put her pacifier back in her mouth. It was the farthest I have run since last fall and by the end I was pooped!


Leslie Gilbreath said...

I don't know how you did it! More power to you and way to go Sarah for staying content!

Elizabeth said...

actually, I didn't do it--we had to stop and walk several times :-) And no medals this year!

Anonymous said...

Elizabeth, you totally inspired me to go running. That morning that you went to do the 5K, I got up early and ran in my neighborhood...And I kept thinking 'I should've gone to race with Elizabeth!'. Let me know if there are any more races you and Sarah are doing.