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Monday, June 30, 2008

Hawaii Here We Are!

My dad's HUGE sandwich at Da Big Kahuna's Pizza N Stuffs

Classic Hawaii I guess

View of Honolulu from Pearl Harbor

Pearl Harbor

Our group lounging around waiting for a shuttle

We finally made it to our home away from home at the Kona Plantation after two days of traveling--what an ordeal! We left our house late Friday morning, stopped by my parents, stuffed ourselves and our MASSIVE pile of luggage into my parents' suburban with the 2 of them plus my brother and sister and all of that luggage (wow, we looked like the clowns coming out of the car at the circus!), and then we headed to the airport. We decided to park the car at a "Park N Fly" place which was WONDERFUL because a shuttle bus picked us up right at the car and dropped us off at the front door of the airport. No problems getting to our gate for the flight to honolulu and by 5:00 we were in the sky. The 9 hour flight with Sarah was difficult but not nearly as horrendous as it could have easily been. She SCREAMED for a few minutes near the beginning of the flight because she was fighting going to sleep, but once she went to sleep that was pretty much all of the screaming for the whole flight except for a couple of minutes of whining later when it was time for another nap. While she was awake, she LOVED climbing all over the seat and us (Jeremy is sick with tonsilities or something totally unrelated to Sarah's sickness last week, and he is MISERABLE, so my mom sat by Sarah and me on the plane and we sent Jeremy to share germs with a stranger--I think the lady he was sitting next to would have totally flipped out if she knew--she looked like a germophobic of some sort). All in all it was a LONG but successful 9 hours, and we were all so glad to arrive in Honolulu and get to our hotel. We all woke up at strange hours the next morning (like 3 am!) I guess because of adjusting to the time change. We spent Sunday morning at Pearl Harbor and then ate lunch at a FABULOUS pizza joint near the airport. Finally we got on our flight to Kona after going through a very rough and MEAN airport security set-up, and eventually we made it here to our BEAUTIFUL house (more pics of the house later--it was dark last night).

You are probably wondering why I am updating my blog instead of sleeping or enjoying the beach, but I guess I am still adjusting to the time change and I woke up at 5 AM ready to go! So here Mary Evelyn and I are on the computer in the dark...Sarah is sleeping like a log--she is probably glad to have a real bed again!


Caroline G said...

Looks like you guys are having a great time and the flight went pretty well. Tell everyone hey for us. Have fun!

Elizabeth said...

Thanks----we really wish you were here! This place is awesome! Don't worry though--we are going to plan to come back for sure! :-)

Leslie Gilbreath said...

I'm pretty excited for you guys and the rather uneventful flight...but I'm making fun of you for posting in HAWAII...go to the beach with a margarita!

Elizabeth said...

Don't worry--I am not spending much time on the computer--but the beach and a margarita don't work too well at 5 AM--we are still waking up so early because of the time difference, I guess!

Leslie Gilbreath said...

Just giving you a hard time :) Our sleep was totally off while we were there also...also I'm sure having a 1 year old on a crazy sleep schedule doesn't help...but hey...try out the beach and a Mimosa (OJ= morning...right?) at 5 am...J/K.