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Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Practicing for Hawaii

This morning Jeremy and I took Sarah to Fort Yargo State Park to "practice" for our Hawaii vacation. Sarah tried out her new/used backpack hiker, and she LOVED it! Yay! That thing is going to take up her WHOLE suitcase but is going to be very useful once we get it over there. Fort Yargo has a beach at their lake, too, so Sarah got to experience life on the beach. She wasn't too sure about the wet sand, but she did tolerate the water better than I thought she would (my mom and I took her to a community pool yesterday and she was not that thrilled with it...too cold and splashy I think, not to mention she spent the trip over there rubbing sunscreen in her eyes---ouch!--today was a much more pleasant experience for her I think!)

This last picture is our newest family picture--Uncle Joseph and Aunt Alecia sent all of us cute t-shirts from Disney World, so we tried them out--aren't we such the happy matching family! :-)