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Thursday, July 31, 2008


We have been trying to cram in as much fun as possible during the last couple of weeks of summer vacation, because who knows when we will find time for mommy-daughter fun after school starts! Last Friday, we met Mrs. Heather, Rachael, Mrs. Tana, and Charlie at Lenora Park pool. Sarah had much more fun than I even imagined she would, especially on the water play structure with slides and water spraying everywhere! We also spent a couple of days with Mary Evelyn at the pool in the neighborhood where she has been baby-sitting this summer. Now THAT is a niiiiiiice neighborhood (and apparently hardly anyone uses the pool, so it was like our own private party!)! It has been fun to watch Sarah in the water throughout the summer--she went from a very timid girl in May to a still-somewhat timid girl who can now fall and go underwater and not even cry (but not be thrilled either) :-)

Don't forget to check out our 2 other new posts as well...